兴趣爱好Easily understandable, real-time risk assessments and alerts that protect you against Web3 attacks. Crypto enthusiasts can utilize the wallet’s built-in exchange functionality to take advantage of market movements, even while away from their computer screens. You can easily swap a cryptocurrency you think is going to fall in value for another currency of greater value. They provided me the login credentials and I was told once I login to change my password etc. Does this sound like a scam or legit? I mean about them giving me a user id for a blockchain wallet app and I gotta buy bitcoins, transfer them to this wallet and they will mine bitcoins. Custodial wallets, also known as hosted wallets, are managed by third-party providers. They allow users to store assets directly on the exchange for easy trading access. Custodial wallets also have built-in password recovery in case you lose your login credentials, making them a good option for beginners or users looking for a more hands-off approach.